Let's stop Putin! Let's restore peace!

25. 2. 2022

We, the teachers and students of the Pavel Tigrid Language School in Ostrava, strongly protest against the war launched by Russian President Vladimir Putin in Ukraine, and call on all those who, like us, do not agree with violent conflict resolution to join our call. 

The legacy of Pavel Tigrid, the patron of our school, commands us to always stand on the side of law, democracy and freedom, and to defend these values. We have therefore decided to support the fundraising campaign of People in Need to help Ukrainians threatened by the ongoing war. At the same time, we want to inspire you to launch an information contact campaign in which we will jointly try to inform the citizens of the Russian Federation about our positions and concerns about violence, murder, and destruction. They often find it difficult to access free, unbiased information. Therefore, please write to your Russian acquaintances, friends, colleagues, or people you find on social media about what we are experiencing together with Ukrainians, and try to explain to them that the democratic world sees President Putin's actions as a clear unjustified aggression that has no place in the politics of civilised Europe. We know that Vladimir Putin is the main force behind Russia's current war policy, and we value Russia's art, science, and cultural heritage. We will never stoop to dehumanising someone solely on the basis of their nationality. 

We strongly urge all responsible political officials in the Czech Republic and the EU to come to Ukraine's aid as quickly as possible with all the means at their disposal! 

Let's stop Putin! Let's restore peace! 

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