International Exams and Certificates

If languages, then properly

Successful graduation is not the primary goal at our school, but a matter of course. Not only in languages do we strive to provide a superior service. This also includes preparation for international language exams that will open doors to the world of foreign universities and big business. It all starts in our classes and seminars that will train you intensively for the exams. You can register for the English FCE and CAE with us, and the French DELF and German DSD are even directly sat at our school. We are also starting preparations for the Spanish DELE exam.

The number of exams passed in the 2019/2020 school year reached almost 120. Some gymnasium students even take two exams - and get two great entries for their CV. One passed exam also replaces the final exam in a given language - so out of the five compulsory final exam subjects, you have four at once. And that's a relief.

We're not talking about money, are we? - The English exams, it's true, aren't cheap, but they're worth it, and you get a discount if you sign up for them through our high school. The DELF is in the hundreds, and the DSD is even free. And the best part at the end: if you ask for it and the school gets enough funding, they may even reimburse you for the whole exam!

You can see everything in the chart below. The rise in exam pass rates has been interrupted by pandemic-related restrictions and distance learning, but we believe, and you can see it in the current data, that we'll soon be back to 2019/2020 numbers again, also due to the very popular seminars. This is a unique opportunity for you to prepare directly at the high school - and completely free of charge.

Clearly, there is no exam like an exam. How well you know a language is determined by the so-called Common European Framework of Reference. It has six levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2). A1 means you can speak a few sentences in the language, B1 is the GCSE, and if you have C2 you can read Shakespeare in the original. In our country, most students take the exam at B2 level (in various languages), but in recent years there have been more and more daredevils who have taken the C‘s. In the 2021/2022 school year, more than a third of them have already done so (see the chart below).

If you want to know more about how the exams work, check out the links below.

Language Exam Websites:

English FCE / CAE

German DSD

French DELF,

Spanish DELE